Evansville Regional Economic Partnership (E-REP) in partnership with the Southwest Indiana Regional Development Authority (SWIRDA) officially submitted its regional development plan on September 23rd, vying for a cut of the state’s $500 million Regional Economic Acceleration and Development Initiative (READI) program.
The Evansville Region has a transformational vision to become the talent and economic region of choice in the Midwest. The region’s strategy leverages $50+ million in READI funding and will spur additional public and private investment in the community.
“We’ve named this vision for a stronger region ‘e looks good on you’ – incorporating the goals and strategies of prior work through both a community-wide branding campaign and multi-year planning initiative called Talent 2025,” said SWIRDA chair Beth McFadin Higgins. “At its core, the plan is focused on population growth and talent.”
The plan highlights near-term opportunities that can be enabled by READI funding as a Phase I and long-term projects that help the Evansville Region fully achieve its vision in Phase II. The plan was developed through inclusive collaboration with community, business, and educational leaders and guided by E-REP.
“Our vision is clear, our plan is achievable, our strategy is measurable and the results will dramatically transform the Evansville Region,” said E-REP CEO Tara Barney. “By committing to these specific aspirations, we’ve set our community on the right track.”
Next steps in the READI process include presenting to the state’s review committee the week of November 29th with award announcements in December. More information about the Evansville Region’s plan can be found on E-REP’s website, here: https://evansvilleregion.com/readi-program/