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E-REP News

Ohio River Vision Requests for Qualifications & Proposals

The Ohio River Vision and Strategic Plan (ORVSP) focuses on revitalizing the Evansville Region’s riverfront and nearby communities, leveraging the Ohio River as a core asset to enhance economic vitality, quality of life, and regional identity. The plan emphasizes reconnecting communities with the river through new parks, public spaces, and trail systems, as well as infrastructure improvements to support and develop a more extensive multimodal connectivity throughout the region.

This project – the Evansville Riverfront Schematic Design – will focus on advancing the vision established in the ORVSP by refining key components of the riverfront’s transformation. This phase will continue to progress from the current ongoing programmatic refinement and into the schematic design for Great Bend Park, the reconfiguration of Riverside Drive, the extension of the Walnut Street green infrastructure, the development of additional sports courts, and the integration of adjacent development opportunities. The overarching goal is to create a cohesive urban-riverfront district that prioritizes multimodal access, ecological resilience, and dynamic public spaces.

RFQ: Transportation & Traffic Engineering

This RFQ invites qualified firms to submit proposals for Transportation & Traffic Engineering services for the Evansville Riverfront project. This work will advance the schematic design phase from the current program refinement phase and align technical requirements with project objectives as outlined in the ORVSP document.  The following information is general in nature; please see Section 3.0 for more detailed information on the RFQ format and requirements.

RFP: Land Surveyor

This RFP invites qualified firms to submit proposals for comprehensive Boundary and Topographical Surveying services for the Evansville Riverfront project. This work will advance the schematic design phase from the current program refinement phase and align technical requirements with project objectives as outlined in the ORVSP document. 

Ashley Diekmann, River Vision Advancement Director
Evansville Regional Economic Partnership
318 Main St., Ste. 400
Evansville, IN 47708