Announcing Call for Projects
EVANSVILLE, Ind. (December 12, 2023) – The Evansville Regional Economic Partnership (E-REP) announces a call for economic development projects happening in the Evansville Region via an intake survey. The survey is open to any capital or infrastructure project that would advance regional goals of population growth, new higher-paying jobs and workforce development for jobs of the future, improved health outcomes, or efforts to lessen the number of local households in poverty.
The READI 2.0 program builds upon the success of its predecessor, READI 1.0. In READI 1.0 the Evansville Region was awarded $50 million which has already supported over 20 transformative projects in our region, from workforce housing in Gibson County to a riverfront strategic plan that spans Warrick, Vanderburgh, and Posey counties.
“This new wave of funding will continue efforts to create stronger and more resilient region in Gibson, Posey, Vanderburgh and Warrick Counties,” said Josh Armstrong, E-REP Senior Vice President of Economic Development. “We look forward to learning more about compelling regional projects that tackle challenges, seize opportunities, and enhance the overall appeal of Evansville and the surrounding region.”
READI 2.0 timeline & information:
- September 2023 – February 2024: Regions develop funding proposals building on the goals in the applications submitted in 2021 during READI 1.0.
- September 2023 – February 2024: Indiana Economic Development Corp. (IEDC) visits each participating region to see READI 1.0 investments and discuss continued vision and strategy.
- February 16, 2024: Regional goals and proposals due to the IEDC.
- April 2024: Proposed IEDC board approval of investment commitments and allocations to regions.
- May 2024: IEDC begins coordination with regions in identifying regionally significant projects based on the goals submitted.
E-REP and the Regional Development Authority (RDA) will lead the application process alongside strategic partners to further enable the region’s TALENT EVV community vision. E-REP will share READI 2.0 updates and opportunities to the region and encourages all interested parties to visit the E-REP website to sign up for READI email updates.
About the Evansville Regional Economic Partnership
The Evansville Regional Economic Partnership (E-REP) leads economic development efforts for the Evansville, Indiana region and elevates the overall quality of life through transformational projects, planning, advocacy, and business engagement. Additionally, E-REP supports the attraction, startup, and growth of regional businesses.