This session is your chance to share your ideas and visions for the future of our regional riverfronts!

Timeline of events that are open to the public:
Thursday, July 13
Mt. Vernon Open House
The Landing (111 East Water St.)
10:00 – 11:00 am
A session for the community to offer input, ask questions and sign-up for email newsletter.
Newburgh Open House
Honeymoon Coffee (20 W. Water St.)
2:00 – 3:00 pm
A session for the community to offer input, ask questions and sign-up for email newsletter.
Friday, July 14 – Main Event
Evansville Region Community Open House
Pagoda Downtown Evansville (401 SE Riverside Dr.)
3:00 – 7:00 pm
This is the main event with interactive information boards and maps, as well as an opportunity for the community to offer input, ask questions and sign-up for email newsletter.

Register for updates on the Ohio Riverfront Vision and Strategic Plan being developed by Sasaki, the globally esteemed landscape architects guiding this process.
You’ll be emailed information on community events to share your vision of our regional Riverfront, updates to our upcoming Riverfront Plan website, and a survey to gather feedback on how you use our Riverfront, and how you’d like to experience our Riverfront in the future.