Between the life-long locals and our newest residents, there’s an abundance of compelling people, talents and perspectives. We are a community looking to the future, and Talent EVV is the plan to get us there!
What is Talent EVV? It’s our community’s pledge to growth and the bright future we envision for the Evansville Region. By committing to specific goals in our community’s strategic plan, we can show our neighbors and future neighbors why E is the perfect place to call home.
Last November we officially launched Talent EVV into our region at the Talent Summit hosted by E-REP. Participants learned about our region, how we are comparing to other communities, and a little bit about how this work began. During the day stakeholders from across our region raised great questions and engaged deeply. The feedback gathered informed the Talent EVV plan going forward. It is our hope that 2023 will provide opportunity, access and understanding around your impact into the Talent EVV goals. These goals are only attainable with the collaboration and dedication of community stakeholders like you!
Over the next six months, Talent EVV will be creating accessible connection to the goals through data dives, collaboration and linkage to community stakeholders doing the work that advances our region.
If you tune into E-REP’s monthly newsletter, event calendar, social media and Talent EVV webpage you are sure to find information on our region and updates from the Four Focus Areas (Population Growth, Thriving Workforce, Live Well and Upward Mobility).
First, up in February Talent EVV will be hosting the first of five Virtual Sessions starting with “Live Well.” These sessions will include a data dive around the indicators that inform how our health outcomes look across the region, what contributing factors could be impacting these outcomes, and finally what engaged stakeholders and subject matter experts are doing to create and identify creative solutions.
Each Focus Area target will have its own virtual session. You can expect to see Population Growth in March, Thriving Workforce (Education) in April, Thriving Workforce (Employment & Wage Growth) in May and Upward Mobility in June.
Another Talent EVV resource on the horizon is a Quality of Place Framework. You might be asking, what is Quality of Place and why a framework? Quality of Place is THE differentiating element of building thriving communities. It consists of many of the “feel-good” attributes such as having walkable neighborhoods, residential communities embedded with commerce and retail, access to high- quality health care resources, strong public and private investment to meet the needs of the community, and so much more. The framework will be a foundation core value for what residents across our region can refer to both in their personal and professional lives. Our hope is that many of you can begin to see how Quality of Place both informs and impacts your daily lives!
Finally, you can also expect opportunities and resources around Equity and Inclusion, Community Engagement, additional metrics to measure success and a commitment to transparency and accessibility of information, opportunity and access.
Our goals are lofty, but this important work is not possible without the community’s action.

We hope to see you at our first Virtual Session on February 28 to learn more about “Live Well”!