Nextech is an Indianapolis based non-profit that works to elevate technical, critical-thinking and problem-solving skills of K-12 students, inspiring and enabling young people from all backgrounds to pursue careers in technology. For the first time ever they are reaching outside Marion County and bringing their Catapult program to Evansville. They need high school STUDENTS and INDUSTRY PARTNERS.
- Students are paid a $1000 stipend for participation in this 4 week program (read below)
- Industry partners are needed for guest speakers and to host site visits (read below)
For more information please e-mail Jill Van Ostenburg,
Nextech is excited to announce that we are expanding one of our signature programs, Nextech Catapult, to Evansville this summer! This is our first expansion effort. Past Catapult programs were only available to students in Marion County.
Nextech Catapult is a 4-week immersive experience that combines industry relevant curriculum, work-based learning, career readiness, and civic leadership opportunities, and we are kicking off our first Evansville on June 13th. Unlike traditional programs that focus on just one of these competencies, Catapult leverages strategic partnerships with leading Indiana tech companies and community organizations to deliver a best-in-class experience at every level.
Catapults (high school age students in the Evansville area), are paid a generous stipend for participation, and all expenses are covered for their summer. At Nextech, our goal is to remove all barriers for students to explore a post-secondary career in technology and to show them everything that Indiana (and Evansville) has to offer.
Learn more here and view this video from past Catapults.
INDUSTRY SUPPORT: This program can’t happen without industry support. They have opportunities for all types of engagements, whether it is providing a guest speaker on a topic, hosting an on-site visit at your company, or providing lunch
Apply to be a Nextech Catapult

Learn how you can make an impact, be an innovator & world changer through computer science.
Who: All high school students in Marion County and the Evansville area, including graduating seniors.
What: An immersive computer science bootcamp with various workshops about technical and workplace skills along with post-secondary planning and connecting with Indiana tech companies and professionals. Students will learn how to manage their personal brand and build a personal portfolio website during the program.
When: June 13 – July 8, 2022 – Students should expect to spend from 9:00am-4:00pm each day in the program, Monday through Friday.
The Extras:
- In order to show commitment to these future tech leaders, 2022 Catapults will receive a generous stipend for completing the program.
- Nextech Catapult is taught by a licensed Indiana computer science teacher and meets the standards for both Computer Science II and Computer Science III: Special Topics. Students can work with their high school’s guidance departments to determine the best way to award course credit for completing Catapult. Nextech is happy to help however they can.